Really Reaaaally Random Ramblings


There are so many things running around in my brain and so many things I want to share with y’all, but I can’t seem to organize anything or sit down to make sense of it all.  And while my poor time zone confused brain tries to figure things out… time continues to move on… without me.  So.  Really.  Reaaaaally.  Random ramblings from pinkblossom.  Hats off to those who can make sense of any of this.


Numero Uno.  I’m hoooome!!

I absolutely loved my time in Korea, but there is just something about home that can’t be beat.  Even by non-stop Korean TV.  Well, sorta. 😉

Now that I am back in the Land of Non-Drama Milk and Honey but the Laaaand of the Freeee. And the Hoooome of. The. Braaaa-aaaa-aaaa-ve! *thundering applause* Thank you.  Thank you! *blows kisses*

Okay, yes, I am back in my hood and ready to get down and dirty in our little patch of drama madness and swooniness.  Should that be spelled with a “y”?  Swoonyness?  Anyhoo, I tried for the longest time – and really hard, too! – to get back on the recapping spaceship after the maginormous monolith that was My Daughter Seo-young, but… I just didn’t have it in me.  It didn’t help that there wasn’t much worth watching either.  But now that I’ve had a solid several months to cool my brain and infuse it with all that is Korean, I thiiiink I may be ready for my spaceship.  What is it with the spaceship obsession these past few days?  Interjection: Oh my gollies I. Cracked. Up the other day (okay, week) when I saw the trailer for Will Smith’s new movie with his son.  At the end of the trailer, the title is stamped across the screen: 애프터 어스 = Ae-peu-teo Eo-seuh.  Now, how did I read that?  “After Us”.  Well, oopsies it’s “After Earth.”  LOL.

Speaking of incorrect readings, and continuing along our unrelated tangent, I saw a BUNCH of signs my last few days in Korea pimping Incheon Airport’s excellent Shilla Duty Free shops.  Alas, I read quite a different sign: 신라면세점 = Shin Ra(La) Myun Seh Jeom.  The real deal = Shilla Myun-seh-jeom.  The pinkblossom version= Shin Ra-myun Seh-jeom.  The way you read “shin” and “la” together blends to form “shilla”, but I saw the 2nd and 3rd characters together as “la-myun” (the “ㄹ” makes both an “L” and “R” sound so “la-myun” = “ra-myun”).  Sigh.  Shows you where my priorities lie.

I met up with a friend a couple days ago (two days after getting off the spaceship from Korea) and went to Starbucks to chat.  Sadly, I could neither understand “Next in line!” nor “Would you like your receipt?”  It was neither Korean nor in a high-pitch tone serving up all kinds of sweet formal language convincing me to return to this café again.  Apparently, my ears need some help adjusting.  And today, while chatting with my friend, I made up a new word: tootally.  Mash-up of “too much” and “totally”.  I think the Korean water did something to my brain.

I felt TOTES awkward taking a picture of a mug, but it was HOLLY'S, our cafe where every conversation ever in My Daughter Seo- took place... so I abandoned all scruples and went at it. *click click click*

I felt TOTES awkward taking a picture of a mug, but it was HOLLY’S, our cafe where every conversation ever in My Daughter Seo-young took place… so I abandoned all scruples and went at it. *click click click*


Numero Dos.  Back to the spaceship and my desire to get down and dirty in our Patch.

Have I mentioned I LOVE NINE!!!!?  No, that is not a question about my LOVE FOR NINE but the punctuation needed at the end of a sentence.  I bawled like no other today while watching Episode 19, and I am so very scared of what the show will do to me tomorrow.  Or, in Korea time, a few hours.  I’m super tempted to go back and do recaps for this show, because it totes deserves it, but I’m afraid I’m gonna run out of steam while rewatching Episode 1 and just leave the recaps hanging… which this show defs does NOT deserve.  What should I do?  Heeeelp, Patch Friends!



Numero Tres. Jang Ok-jung and my love for poor men who seem determined to consign themselves to misery.

Yes, despite the fact that I really reaaaally like the veteran cast of Gu Family BookLee Sung-jae! Jo Sung-ha! Jung Hye-young! – I’m watching Jang Ok-jung, flaws and all.  Cousin Blossom let me know in no uncertain terms how she felt about the betrayal.  Why: She’s doing makeup for Lee Yoo-bi aka Chung-jo aka Choco from Nice Guy.  So I’m in the enemy camp.  I’ll dish out on some of Cousin Blossom’s K-ent world knowledge in another post.  Pinky promise.

But yes, Jang Ok-jung has its moments, and then it has those ooother moments when I feel like I’m yanking reaaal hard on that lifesaver, trying to pull the show back up to respectability.  Sadly, once you start nitpicking, there’s no end, so I’m just watching it and keeping my mouth shut.  People seem to finally be giving Kim Tae-hee a break as she enters ambitious-and-catty-eyed-but-according-to-the-drama-not-evil mode.  The girl can do one wicked smile.  In any case, back to my true reason for watching the show: Lee Sang-yeob.  Aka Dong-pyung.  Dong-pyuuuuuung.  Gah, my heart is forever broken for him and I don’t think it’ll ever be whole again.  Did you SEE the pain that tore through him in Episode 10 when he finally half-confessed to Ok-jung?!  Gah, I was wailing and rocking on the floor.  It was a sight to behold.

Alas, he is not the only one determined to leave me gasping like a beached whale.  Jae Hee is supposed to play Hyun Chi-soo, the boy who silently loved Ok-jung as a child and is poised to play her dark knight, willing to go up against the king for his one true wub. *swoon*  When they were promoting the drama, Jae Hee said he would appear starting in Episode 5.  Then he announced to his fans that he was showing up in Episode 6.  Well, Episode 6 came and went and no sign of Jae Hee.  And Episode 11 came and went today, and no sign of Jae Hee.  The production team said they’re reworking the script and waiting to make his entrance extra special sparkly grand, but shouldn’t you have worked that out beFORE the drama started?  I’m waiting.  One spot of good news: he was in the BTS (behind the scenes) look they took of the show last week, so any day now? *fingers crossed*

Forget that hussy.  I'm heeeeere!

Forget that hussy. I’m heeeeere!


Numero Cuatro.  My love for To Do Lists and inability to actually check anything off of them.

When it comes to our Patch, I have a tendency to think of spazzmatic posts… and never get them up.  But for once in my life, I’m gonna try reaaal hard – okay, I’ve done this several times already, but in case you can’t hear me over the humming of your computer/smart phone/whatever you’re using to read this: you’re supposed to read “reaaal hard” with a Southern twang.  Just so you know.

For once in my life, I’m gonna try reaaal hard (didja do it?) to check things off my List.  To this end, I kindly ask you Patch Friends to continue to poke me with sharp rakes and shovels and spray me with those hoses to keep me on top of my game.  We ain’t gardeners for nothin’.  On the List:

  • Korea: Part 3
  • Love is in the Air: Part 2
  • Kim Jong-kook’s Abs
  • Pure Love: Introduction
  • Birth of a Family: Review
  • Can’t Live Without You: Episodes 96-110 (Final)
  • An Angel’s Choice: The Ending
  • I Summon You Gold: Introduction
  • Drama OST’s: Part ___
  • Drama Must-Have Items: Part 2

I’m sure I’ll come up with even more fantabulously impossible-to-finish ideas in the coming weeks.  You can count on it.

Yes.  It was perfection.

Yes. It was perfection.


Numero Cinco.  Good night.  Good morning.  Good Afternoon.  Good Evening.

Good Day.

Fukuoka, Japan.  (A little mini trip during THE trip.)

Fukuoka, Japan. (A little mini trip during THE trip.)

22 responses to “Really Reaaaally Random Ramblings

    • i really reaaal really like YOUUU~!! heeee! yesyes, now that “nine” has effectively dumped me, i believe jang ok-jung is next on my list! 😀

  1. You are ADORBS pinkblossom, and ADORBS to read as well!! ❤ ❤ This was SUCH a fun, stream-of-consciousness sort of post, and I LOVED it! I can just hear it in your voice (thanks to your podcast!) and that was really cool! ^^ Yes, please! Get on that to-do list and bring more of your posts on! Imma ready to devour more ;D

    • awwww YOU’RE adorbs, kfangurl!! <3333 thank youuuu for taking time to read the nonsensical gibberish that i spout at every turn! even if it's in my zombie voice lol!! yes ma'am i'm on it!! ^^

  2. Hee! Reverse culture-shock can be such a funny thing. Maybe because it’s so unexpected? Also, go you taking the mug photo! Scruples are overrated. 😉

    • lol reverse culture shock indeed!! i now have an official term i can throw around hehehee! psst! scruples are soooo overrated! ^^

  3. I didnt know you went to japan!!! we must catch up! and you have to post about Kim Jong-kook’s Abs…I just googled him and he’s like almost too buff. LOL
    i want rice cakes!!! so jelly…

    • there’s no such thing as too buff.
      yes, there is. but not my kim jong-kook heheheheee!!
      we need to eat ddeok-bokki ^^

  4. Welcome back!!! We missed you! Yeah JOJ is a mess…im basically watching because of Yoo Ah In and Pring Dong Pyung…cuties!

    • thank youuuu, MEK!!! 😀 ❤ i don't know what's going on in "jang ok-jung"-land… but heeeee dong-pyung goon!!!

  5. I envy the fact that you were in South Korea just recently. It would have been nice to meet up with you there. to meet this fabulous person who did the recap and all of my daughter…Anyway why were you there in SK? I must have missed something posted in your patch. indulge me if you can. 🙂 and just like you I also took a sabbatical from koreannovelas:)

    • mama i’m so glad you’re still with us post-MDSY!!! 😀 😀 awww it would indeed have been nice to meet some patch friends for realsies during my trip! i was just visiting family and enjoying myself~ hehee! i wrote a couple “korea” posts about my time there if you’re interested ^^
      i’ve been watching my dramas, but nothing was particularly amaztastic except for a couple more recently~ but i didn’t have the energy to recap them lol 😉

    • i just visited japan for a couple days but i was in korea for the remainder of my trip! ^^

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